Friday, 12 December 2014



As a coach, Industrial Psychologist, consultant, father and follower of Jesus Christ I’m constantly faced with various beliefs on aspects such as leadership, success, purpose and more, but also with belief systems contrary to what I belief.
When a close friend delved into the laws of the universe and started to change his believe system from what we previously shared, I decided to investigate to try and understand.
In my reading I came over various authors who identified and grouped various laws, for example 11 Forgotten Laws, 7 Universal Laws (Principles), 12 Universal Laws and 20 Universal Laws.  Collating these I came up with 39 laws which one needs to attuned to, to ensure success.
In many cases I tend to over simplify, forgive me for that.  However, as I do not judge other’s belief systems, please do not judge me.  We all have the privilege to believe as we decide, according to our own considerations. 
I’m not trying to make this an empirical study, thus a large amount of “copy and paste” took place from various sources.  I’m not trying to prove anything, I’m not trying to prove a point or to convert anyone; I’m just sharing my notes.  You will tend to agree or severely disagree with me – it is fine.
It was not my intention to defend the Bible or provide counter verses or provide contextual arguments.  This would be a very specific exercise and is not of importance here.  Important is that where Bible verses are provided, it comes from the reading matter (this is where your knowledge of the Bible and the context of those verses are important).
What follows is my understanding, limited I might say, and my reflection on what I believe.
I would like to start this exercise with two quotes from the material that I read:
All successful people are in harmony with the Laws of the universe – either consciously or unconsciously.
When the mind is attuned to the cosmic law, all the laws of nature are in perfect harmony with the aspirations of the mind. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Prominent Building Blocks

I identified a number of building blocks or recurrent themes throughout the reading of which the following few are continuously reiterated.
The first one is that you have access to unlimited power, which is within you.  In many cases this refers to the power to think and to choose. 
Live from the inside out; think about the life you want despite your current circumstances.  You can start to think about your DREAM JOB and about ABUNDANCE right NOW regardless of your circumstances.
A man is but the product of his thoughts - what he thinks, he becomes. Mahatma Gandhi
We become what we think about - Earl Nightingale
A man's life is what his thoughts make of it - Marcus Aurelius
The second one is the right to abundance”.  Abundance (it seems) mostly refers to material abundance.
The third refers to claims that these laws are not a religious program, but a science!  It is stated that these laws are based on the understanding of natural laws.  A proven step by step approach for you to follow in order for you to get what you want out of this life.
  • For me an important starting point will then be to understand the definition of science and test these laws accordingly. 
  • Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. 
  • Medical Definition of science: knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through the scientific method and concerned with the physical world and its phenomena.
  • For me science relies heavily on scientific method, testability and repeatability. Unfortunately I cannot agree with the science statement. I found a number of contradictions and vague statements on application of these laws.
The fourth is the importance of being successful and as I experienced it, success measured in an abundance of “things”.  Prosperity or “welvaart’ in Afrikaans.
The fifth is continuous reference to “you can be whatever you want”.  Being reasonably open-minded; I tend to ask the question – “really”?

39 Laws

Following is a summary of the laws found and reference to a source.  I believe that this list is not exhaustive and there is also no specific sequence to it.  For those who are interested, there are a table with an explanation for each of these laws at the back of this document.
Law of Thinking (11 Forgotten Laws)
The law of supply (11 Forgotten Laws)
Law of Attraction (11 Forgotten Laws / 12 universal Laws / 20 Universal Laws)
Law of Receiving (11 Forgotten Laws)
Law of increase (11 Forgotten Laws)
Law of Compensation (11 Forgotten Laws / 12 Universal Laws)
Law of Forgiveness (11 Forgotten Laws)
Law of Sacrifice (11 Forgotten Laws)
Law of obedience (11 Forgotten Laws)
Law of Success (11 Forgotten Laws)
The Principle of Mentalism (7 Universal Laws)
Law of Correspondence (7 Universal Laws)
The Law of Vibration (7 Universal Laws / 12 Universal Laws / 20 Universal Laws)
Law of Polarity (7 & 12 Universal Laws)
Law of Rhythm (7 & 12 Universal Laws)
Law of Cause and Effect (7 & 12 universal Laws)
Law of Gender (7 & 12 universal Laws)
Law of Divine Oneness / Law of One (12 & 20 Universal Laws)
Law of Action (12 Universal laws)
Law of Correspondence (12 Universal Laws)
Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy (12 Universal Laws)
Law of Relativity (12 Universal Laws)
Law of harmony (20 Universal Laws)
Law of Reincarnation and Karma (20 Universal Laws)
Law of Wisdom (wisdom erases Karma) (20 Universal Laws)
Law of Grace (20 Universal Laws)
Law of Soul Evolution (20 Universal Laws)
Law of Bodhisattva (20 Universal Laws)
Law of free will (20 Universal Laws)
Law of Manifestation (20 Universal Laws)
Law of Conscious Detachment (20 Universal Laws)
Law of Gratitude (20 Universal Laws)
Law of Fellowship (20 Universal Laws)
Law of Resistance (11 forgotten & 20 Universal Laws)
Law of Reflection (20 Universal Laws)
Law of Unconditional Love (20 Universal Laws)
Law of Magnetic Affinities (20 Universal Laws)
Law of Abundance (20 Universal Laws)
Law of Divine Order (20 Universal Laws)

Reference to a Divinity

In the reading I identified a number of references to what I will label “a divine power”, which are the following:

  • The universe.
  • The Divine Operation - is always for expansion and fuller expression and it wants to express itself through us. Hence, that desire, that urge inside you to reach our goals and dreams is the divine trying to express itself through you. Hence, we must never give up our dreams. "The All.
  • Energy gestalt. We are all part of a great energy gestalt called God, and because we are part of God, we are God.
  • Divine energy. This and all universes are made of Divine Energy. It is everywhere and in everything. Everything, including us, lives, moves and has its being in this divine energy. We are this divine energy.
  • We are god. Our purpose is to become god.
  • In certain instances you can deduct that there are space for more than one god.

When you are harmonious for a lifetime, you will have attained the highest vibrational rate - the God level.
Although references are made to Bible text, I did not find acknowledgement of the God that I, as a Christian, believe in.

So, What is my Conclusion?

After spending much time reading and contemplating, I came to a number of conclusions regarding these issues.  From here on it is Johan speaking and please remember, this is my understanding of the laws and their implications. 
The power of thinking.  Absolutely, there is no substitute for tuning your mind onto the positive things, focusing on the good, and all that.  Even the Bible in the Wisdom Book Proverbs (23:7) agrees that “as a man think, so is he”.  However, to claim you have unlimited power is by changing your thinking, in my mind, creating false expectations.  As humans, in our human form, I believe, we are limited.  Can we create anything out of nothing?
The Laws of the Universe as a science.  This is for me one of those claims that people use to “sell” something, to make it more credible.  If one wants to use science as a vantage point, then you must abide by the definition of science, and can you really proof this scientifically?  This also means that one needs to establish a clear (and accepted) definition of “success and abundance”, which then should be one of the criteria for measurement.  Science and religion is not necessarily room mates.  How do you prove that there are millions of states before getting to “god level”?  (Aka Law of Vibration)
The use of Bible verses.  Without going into detail the utilisation of Bible verses to support specific laws are close to some of the religious uses of verses, i.e. a specific verse are used out of context or just off context, to support a law or argument.  One of these are constant references to “abundance”, while (in my view) the focus should be on “abundant life” and not “abundant goods and things”.  Nowhere could I, in the Bible, read that we have a right to material abundance – I’m not saying that we should not have abundance or that no-one in the Bible had abundance, I say I could not find the right to abundance.
You can be whatever you want to be.  Really?  I don’t know.  The whole universe is built on eco systems and hierarchies. 
Rather encourage people to be the best they can be than to teach that you can be a super rich, super human, super something; actually creating more pain and frustration.  For not one moment do I say you must not have dreams and ambitions, you should, you must have otherwise you are spiritually dead, however, there are boundaries to everything. 
A goldfish will never be a shark, but it can be the best goldfish there can be; thus being true to itself, finding peace within and living a fruitful, happy and content life.  And, if you believe that you can be and want to be “X” and does not realise it – then you did not “believe” good enough or you did not adhere to some of the laws; what else are you doing than most of the religions today.  You are not healed because you did not believe enough; really? 
The power of the mind is incredible, with the power of a believe system it is almost unstoppable, but it does not give anyone an open cheque book.
Becoming god?!  The “Law of Thinking” directly indicates that “our purpose is to become god”.  Although God is in us and we are in God – we can never become God.  God created us for Him.  Enough said.
Attitude.  A number of these laws (e.g. vibration, attraction, increase, etc) are about sending out positive vibrations into the universe and then you will receive more of the same. 
A positive attitude goes far and will attract positive people and maybe convert negative people – but I find it difficult to believe that you can be sure (science?) that you will receive more of what you are grateful for because the universe will respond accordingly.  Good things happen to good and bad people, and vice versa.
Once again, if you believe this and it works for you – excellent.
Success.  Some of the authors claim that these laws are a recipe for success, a proven step by step process; meaning that if you follow the recipe closely, you will achieve success. 
If you’re not successful you are not adhering to one or more of these laws – thus, you’re rejected; not good enough.   I could not find the step-by-step recipe!
What better is this then than all the “Christians’” who let people believe they are sick or failing due to not having enough faith?  So what about a lack of opportunity that is effectively hampering the achievement of success?
From my reading it is clear that the laws of vibration and attraction are the most commonly sited by authors as the most important laws that you have to obey to be successful.  This opens the next question; how do you define success – but I’m not going there.
There are a lot of truths in these laws, but we are not God, and we cannot call on God as a “servant” to attend to our every wish.
Believing and Wants vs Needs and Reprogramming via Affirmations.  I found that there is a primary drive throughout the reading that we need to believe that anything is possible. We just need to believe it. Believing is seeing. Note:  And if you are not seeing what you believe; did you then not believe enough?
The Law of Attraction states that you can start to alter your life just by altering your thoughts and emotions, and by doing just that you will be able to attract into your life what you truly want.
In order to change your belief system you can start applying affirmations, doing so you will "reprogram" your subconscious mind with a new belief system.  And then things will start to happen to you, as you belief.
Consider This[1].  Affirmations in New Thought and New Age terminology refer primarily to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment—fostering a belief that "a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything." More specifically, an affirmation is a carefully formatted statement that should be repeated to one's self and written down frequently. For an affirmation to be effective, it needs to be present tense, positive, personal and specific.
According to Rhonda Britten, affirmations work best when combined with acknowledgements because the acknowledgements build up a backlog of results in one's mind to prove that one can do what one is affirming.  So, for example, the acknowledgement "I bought a good pair of sneakers and some gym clothes" could complement the affirmation "I can reach my goal of losing 20 pounds." The goal is to focus on steps one has taken toward accomplishing one's goals rather than criticizing oneself for what one hasn't yet accomplished, or could theoretically have accomplished but didn't.
Once again, everything has its limits.
Positive affirmation has been found to have a detrimental effect on those who need it the most, because people with low self-esteem will perceive the affirmation as so unbelievable that it strengthens their negative mindset. Those who already have high self-esteem feel slightly better, and those who don't will feel worse than if they had been allowed negative thoughts. When people with high self-esteem uses positive affirmation, it acts as a buffer for constructive criticism that goes against the self-perception, and when people with low self-esteem uses positive affirmation, it rings untrue and therefore brings to mind exactly how they are not successful, loved, etc.

Final Thoughts

As an intellectual I strive to evaluate according to value, always considering the “flip side”, and even after I made a decision on what I believe, I still allow space for others’ believes.
I’m of the opinion that all people need something to believe in, I believe it is part of our design or DNA (if you wish).  We can thus choose to believe in a range of things, from believing in ourselves to believing in some god or divine power; even those who believe there is nothing, still believe something.
The question is: “what do you believe?”  Having read about the Laws of the Universe, the Forgotten Laws, the most important Laws, and more, I’m absolutely convinced that the answer lies in myself; I choose in what I believe; the answer lies in my hands.
One must carefully consider what you believe in, as this forms the basis of your believe system, which forms the basis of your behaviour.  For me a lot of these laws are part of the bigger design and cut easily to both sides; to those who believe in these laws and the role of the universe as the alpha and omega, or those who believe in intelligent design and a divine creator.  Consider the following:
If you believe in yourself and you fail, then your whole universe fails. 
If you believe in a god of sorts, and things are not going as you want it, then your god failed you. 
If you believe in God and things are not coming your way, you still fit into the scheme of things, God is still there, He is still listening, guiding, proving.  If you find success, you see God’s hand in it – and you grow to the point where everything is not about you, it’s about the creator!
I found “contradictions” that are interesting - some of the laws are focused on success and abundance, while a number thereof is focused on giving grace, mercy and love (doing good); and then there are laws that states everything is relative and we must accept that there are some things we can do nothing about?  Just the next law states you can achieve anything by changing the way you think and feel?
I found that these 39 Laws is opposing to the Law of Love, as explained in the Bible, where the focus is on loving God, loving your neighbour and loving yourself – not things.  I believe that the moment you made peace with who you are and what you have, you will experience abundance – abundant life.  The contradiction is that a number of these laws explicitly focus on achieving on what you want.
After careful consideration I conclude that it is up to you to decide if you believe in God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit or not.  A number of these laws are in my mind part of the masterfully designed universe, but it is not about the laws.  I’m of the contention that some of these laws “makes” you god, which you are not.  Thus, the larger part of the laws is (in my view) good advice, but it should not take your attention off God!
What is interesting to me is that a large number of the thinkers who’s thoughts are used to explain or justify arguments and laws, really lead a very simplistic life!
For me it takes a whole lot more "faith" to believe in evolution, the big bang, the universe as creator of plans for you due to your thinking and the power of these laws than it does to believe in intelligent design by a divine Creator (who is also the creator of most of these laws). 
Zig Ziglar wrote that according to legend, it was reputed that a very wise old man who lived on a hilltop overlooking the beautiful city of Venice, Italy, could answer any question anyone might ask him. Two local boys figured they could trick him, so they caught a bird and took it to the wise sage.
"Tell us," they asked, "is the bird in our hand dead or alive?"
The wise man replied, "Son, if I say the bird is alive, you will close your hands and crush it to death. Or, if I say the bird is dead, you will open your hands and it will fly away. The answer is in your hands."
I’m quite sure that there will a number of aspects that I’ve missed or maybe miss interpreted.  I therefore confirm why I did this – I needed to gain an understanding of these so called laws, the laws that give so much power to the human and (almost) makes him god.  As I was confronted with these laws and “losing” a friend to it, I needed to understand and decide where I stand; I chose.  I chose to keep on believing in my God; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I believe in the God who calls Himself “I Am” (Ex 3:14).
If I offended anyone, I do apologise sincerely, it was not the intention.  We are all on our own journey to spiritual maturity – no judgement, be accommodating.
Bottom line – it’s all about what you choose to believe!  The answer is in your hands!

Note: If you are interested I do have a tabled summary of these laws.

[1] Kline, K. (n.d.). Association for Psychological Science. Association for Psychological Science. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from

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