Tuesday, 27 May 2014

The Curtain is Drawn! Take care of the "rooi gevaar".

The elections in our sunny South Africa is now history.  The ANC won and the DA obtained a bigger stake in Parliament. The "red danger" (of rooi gevaar) , against whom uncle PW Botha warned us and against "we" fought, realised in two frightening manners.
First is the red danger (rooi gevaar) of Julius and his merry men and women - sitting, already bored in Parliament.  With no qualification or competence for making decisions that will propel this amazing country of ours into the future.  There problem is that there are way more people who vote for a living; than those who work for a living.  It's numbers that get you a seat on the gravy train and its subsequent benefits.
The second red danger (rooi gevaar) comes in the person of the new minister of Agriculture, a hardened communist who declares that the land must be divided amongst those who work it.  This I do not understand; can those who are followers of a specific ideology not also determine by its track record that it did not work anywhere in the world.  Why would you then continue with this - because in the end it is you who will benefit.  So the analogy of "The Animal Farm" is once again proved right - all are equal, some are just more equal than others - says the pig.
What about the curtain I hear you say - say what you want about our president, he is a brilliant strategist.  The promised made and the oath he took are merely part of the process, it's part of the road you have to travel to stay on top. The new "Propaganda Ministery", the new speaker of the Parliament, the new minister of the SAPS, etc draw the curtain on the doings of our president and his merry men and women (all ANC) for anther 5 years to get their fingers public money.
Roger Whittaker (Folk singer) once said: "politicians are all like a bunch of bananas, they are all yellow, they hang in a bunch together and there is not a straight one amongst them."
Our challenge will be to find more and more brave men and women who will not stand back on raising the flags against the wrongs of the government, while we are in debt of those few in government who still make things work!
Take care - "those who do not read the papers are uninformed; those who read the papers are misinformed!"

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Only look back to be able to look forward.

Only look back to be able to look forward; of kyk slegs terug om vorentoe te kyk.
My grootword proses het my baie geleer van hoe om goed te doen en hoe nie. Uiteindelik is elkeen van ons self aanspreeklik vir wat ons doen. 
Ons as gelowiges het die perfekte voorbeeld in Jesus en 'n hele boek vol riglyne. 
Nou is dit opkyk en smile, afkyk en grind. Terugkyk oor my lewe dien slegs n doel om te verstaan, my versier te verstel en my kinders te waarsku hoe om goed nie te doen nie, en om lewenslesse te deel. 
Dan is dit hulle beurt. 
As ons ophou om ons oor die lewe en verlede te verknies, en ons definisie van sukses weg van die wereld te skuif, raak die lewe eintlik fun! 
Inner peace is ons sin, as ons dit wil he.
Ons almal kom 'n punt in ons lewens waar ons self die pen kan neem en ons eie lewensverhaal verder skryf - ongelukkig neem so baie mense nooit daardie stap nie, want dis baie makliker om victim te speel van die moeilike lewe. 
Victim wees raak dan hulle lewens!  
Wat 'n vermorsing van potensiaal.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

The Other Woman - consider this!

Went to see the movie "The Other Woman" with my wife last week.
Simple story, bit too long - husband is cheating on his wife with various lovely woman.
He got caught and cleaned up - and his wife is now running the business and making the money he stole, etc.
So, at the end of the movie his luck changed and he lost everything - got fired and all.
My question is - hypothetically, once he got fired and divorced and his jaguar got towed away......what happened to him?  Did he regain his composure and started a new life?  Did he learn his lesson and kept business legal?  Did he find real love and resolved his issues?
You see, life is not so simplistic - nothing turns out to be so clean and clinical, nothing just end and everyone live happily ever after.
I think the real story starts at the end of a movie - when the hype is gone and the screen lifted, then the real story starts; where someone needs to rebuild everything he lost due to stupidity, where one needs to tape pity on themselves and forgive themselves; where one needs to learn that greed destroys and is a unsatisfied beast, one that devours every part of your life and then move on to the next victim.
We actually are missing the real story, the part of the story that will have real value!?
Consider this!
Go well!

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Hoekom Johan Filosoof?  My kinders se ek dink te veel, my kollegas se ek maak dit moeilik, gespreksgenote se "dis interresant"!  Die punt is, as jy nie dink nie, gaan jy enige bol twak sluk vir die waarheid - kyk nou maar weer wat is aan die gebeur met die verkiesing; politici lieg oop-en-bloot om jou steun te kry en baie van ons val daarvoor.  Dit bring my by lees, as jy nie lees nie, vedoem jy jouself tot onsinnige besluite en gesprekke.  Ons moet op hoogte van sake bly, anders het jy niks diepte in jou redenasies nie.  Dit is soos wanneer iemand "hulle se" in hulle argumente gebruik - wie is "hulle"?

My eerste gesegde vir hierdie blog: "Indien jy nie die koerante lees nie, is jy oningelig.  Indien jy wel die koerante lees, is jy waningelig."  

Ons is besig om hierdie verkiesing met 'n groot spoed te nader - wees ingelig, kies versigtig!  Hierdie is waarskynlik die belangrikste verkiesing van ons land!
