Friday, 28 April 2017

‘n Ode aan die Koringkriek

Sis, ag nee sis man – kom my vrou se stem uit die kombuis.
Gewoonlik betekene dit iets moet opgeruim word … wat is dit vra ek versigtig.
Iemand het iets oor koringkrieke op facebook gepost, vieslik.  My vrou hou nie van die gediertes nie.
Kommentaar kom, iemand moet iets oor koringkrieke skryf, seg iemand.
So hier is dit.  Die wat ondervinding het sal verstaan!

‘n Ode aan die Koringkriek
Dis nag
Buite is ‘n misterieuse mag
Gepantser, skerp, wagtend – grieselrig 
Verspieders hang aan grashalms
Antennas uitgestrek, oë wydoopgerek – gefokus
Wagters sit op hekke, op hulle poste, wakend
In massa wag hulle orals
In en op enige beskikbare plek
Reg vir die belofte van aksie
Paaie om oor te steek
In lokvalle, agter pale, onder take
Wagtend, vir ‘n onbedagsame hand
Dis dagbreek -
Borsharnas aan, vastrapskoene – vlymskerp
Rugpantser – vasgetrek
AKSIE, wys jouself
Gillend slaan die vyand op vlug
Pasop, teenaanval – die vyand gebruik stoke en klippe, chemise wapens, monster voertuie
Ongeag, ons mars aan, onstopbaar, in massa
Ruim op – vreet die wat geval het op, los niemand agter nie
Dit word nag – hergroepeer
More doen ons dit weer
Gillend sal hulle op die vlug slaan
Ons laat nie met ons mors
Oppad, na die beloofde (Koringkriek) land.

Friday, 21 April 2017

Let's Judge and use our Words Wisely

"Dr. Alfred Adler, the great psychologist, had an experience when he was a young boy. He got off to a bad start learning arithmetic, so his teacher became convinced that Adler was stupid when it came to mathematics. The teacher told his parents that the boy was dumb, and also told them not to expect much from him. His parents were convinced that the teacher's evaluation was correct.

"Therefore, Adler passively accepted the assessment that they had made of his abilities. And his grades in math proved that they were correct. However, one day he had a sudden flash of insight and thought he saw how to work a problem the teacher had put on the board that none of the other pupils could solve. He raised his hand and announced that he would like to do the problem. The students, and even the teacher, laughed at this. He became indignant. He strode to the blackboard and solved the problem perfectly much to everyone's amazement. And at that moment he realized that he could understand mathematics. He had been handed an unreal, negative self-evaluation, and he had believed it and performed on the basis of that assessment.

"Many of us have done the very same thing. Someone has told us that our abilities are limited, or that our dreams are unreachable. We have accepted that without question, and we go through life unhappy and unfulfilled. We become estranged from ourselves simply because we believe what others people have told us about ourselves."

Cited on

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